:: General Fee Approval Proposal Procedure :
- In order to apply for Online Fee Approval Proposal, If your username is not available then use Registration for New Inst link under main menu.
- Once registered, you will be provided with Username & Password.
- Already registered Institute can Login directly using Log In tab.
- For Institutes having Multiple Username for Same institute code earlier, there will be only one Username for Institute.
- Login with Username & Password
- Change Password after first time login.
- Use left side link General Information to fill up the online fee proposal.
- Fill all details between Sr. No. 1 to 33
- You need to add all unaided private professional courses in your institute that comes under FEES REGULATING AUTHORITY - 2023-24.
- Then upload all necessary documents using left side link Attach Files
- After uploading documents successfully, Confirm your application.
- Take the print-out of the application. Print is available only After Confirmation.
- Last Date of submitting the proposal for Academic Year 2023-24 is open till 15th December 2022.